1F President's Symbol


The Presidential Archives Exhibition Hall is an exhibition space where you can meet and communicate with past presidents through presidential archives. The building of the exhibition hall is designed in the shape of a cube to embody the national seal locker, and the structure of the national seal locker is reinterpreted with modern materials, and the interior is made of stone and the exterior is made of glass. The cube shape of a cube has the meaning of land, completeness, and completion, and it expresses the importance and permanence of presidential records.
The Presidential Archives Exhibition Hall held an opening ceremony on January 14, 2016, and has been fully open and operated since February 16 after a pilot operation period.

The exhibition area inside the Presidential Archives Exhibition Hall is 3,739.6㎡, and it is equipped with a children's experience hall, special exhibition room, and video theater.
1st floor , 2st floor , 3st floor , 4st floor , B1 , B2 , Special exhibition room
1st floor 2st floor 3st floor 4st floor B1 B2 Special exhibition room
510㎡ 549㎡ 628㎡ 646㎡ 441.9㎡ 441.7㎡ 523㎡
Front view Presidential Archives 1F Presidential Archives Lobby Presidential Ceremonial Vehicle Media Facade 1F Presidential Symbol Exhibition Room Entrance Exhibition Room View 4F Role of the President Exhibition Room Entrance Changes in the Presidential System Presidential Election and Inauguration Presidential Election and Inauguration Presidential Election and Inauguration The President's Status and Role: Head of Administration Status and Role of the President: Head of State Status and Role of the President: National Security Status and Role of the President: Peaceful Reunification Past times Blue House Furniture Hall of Records 2F President's gift exhibition room Accessories Sailboat model Vase Doll B1 Children's Program Center Entrance to the Program center Leadership within me Exciting celebration of election live Mailbox High-five everyone, run excitedly. Private plane rest area B2 Protocol vehicle exhibition room Ministry of Public Administration and Security Presidential Archives

1F President's Symbol

In the lobby of the Presidential Archives Exhibition Hall, a large media façade and a presidential vehicle are displayed. In the Presidential Hall, you can see text art that depicts the president's face by extracting keywords from the inaugural address. It is a sculpture with a symbolic meaning that expresses the president's speech record in the form of the president.